
0809 - Lot A - Regardez Moi

3 x Service Fees - September 2008
Black Stallion, 16.3 HH - 18/06/1996
On account of Ryans
Rubinstein x Consul
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Regardez Moi is one of the most exciting Grand Prix horses in Australia at the moment, winning the championship for the best performance throughout the East Coast series of CDI-Ws in Victoria, NSW and Qld 2007 - his first season at Grand Prix, and he was scoring over 70%!! Regardez Moi has already made what we think is Australian history by scoring a perfect “10” for his piaffe.

You have seen him coming - after all, Regardez Moi was Australian national medium dressage champion in 2004, blasting through the ranks to FEI wins of up to a tremendous 74%, NSW 2005 State FEI small tour horse of the year and winner of one of only two gold medals awarded by Dressage NSW for three performances over 70% 

Now, Regardez Moi is a legend in the making and we feel he won’t just be an Australian legend, but one that is honoured the world over. 

His sire Rubinstein is clearly one of the world’s leading sires of Grand Prix dressage horses while his dam is equally brilliantly bred, by Consul out of a mare by all-time dressage great, Donnerhall. 

Regardez Moi has a brilliant extended trot and an exceptional ability to collect and dance in piaffe and passage. 

His first progeny are outstanding, now scoring more than 80% in the arena. Available live cover only as he is painfully particular! (LFG)

For further details contact Sharnika Blacker on 0400 905 107.

Romadour II
Angelo mare


> Check out the Ryans Stallion Video online

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